A Code Signing Certificate is a critical component of modern software security and trust assurance mechanisms. It is a specialized type of digital certificate that plays a crucial role in the software development and distribution process, helping to establish trust between software publishers and end-users. Code signing certificates are primarily used to sign software applications, scripts, drivers, and other executable files to verify their authenticity and integrity. A code signing certificate verifies software integrity and authenticity, assuring users that the code hasn’t been tampered with or compromised.
Code signing employs a cryptographic hash to affirm both the legitimacy and unaltered state of software. Its functions encompass:
- Confirming the identity of the software’s author.
- Providing assurance that the code remains unmodified and untainted since the signing.
- Ensuring the software remains unaltered and safe for user downloads.
- Validating the file’s integrity against any tampering post-signing.
- Instilling confidence in users that the software aligns with its stated purpose.
- Cultivating trust among all parties involved in the transaction.
The importance of Code Signing
Code signing is a critical security practice in the realm of software development and distribution. Code signing assures software authenticity, integrity, and trustworthiness, safeguarding users against malware and ensuring secure digital experiences. Here’s a detailed exploration of the importance of code signing:
Authentication and Authorship Confirmation:
Code signing provides a mechanism to confirm the identity of the software’s author or publisher. When users encounter a signed piece of software, they can trust that it indeed comes from a legitimate source. This is especially crucial in an era where malicious software and malware abound, as it helps users differentiate between authentic software and potentially harmful downloads.
Integrity Assurance:
Through the use of cryptographic hashing, code signing verifies that the software has not been altered or corrupted since it was signed. Any modification to the code, even if it’s minor, will result in a change in the hash value, making it evident that the software has been tampered with. This ensures that users receive software that is in the same state as when it was approved by the author.
Protection Against Malware and Tampering:
Code signing acts as a security measure against malware and unauthorized modifications. Malicious actors often attempt to tamper with software to inject malware or other malicious code. Code signing can detect such tampering, alerting users and preventing them from installing compromised software.
User Trust and Confidence:
When users see a digitally signed application, they are more likely to trust it. The signature is a guarantee that the software is from a reputable source and has not been compromised. This trust is crucial for businesses and developers looking to build a loyal user base.
Secure Software Distribution:
In the context of software distribution, code signing enhances the security of the distribution process. Users can download software with confidence, knowing that it hasn’t been tampered with during transit. This is particularly important for software updates, as it ensures that updates are legitimate and safe to install.
Compliance and Industry Standards:
Many industries and regulatory bodies, such as healthcare and finance, require the use of code signing to comply with security and data protection regulations. Failure to implement code signing can result in non-compliance and legal consequences.
Protection of Intellectual Property:
For software developers and companies, code signing can help protect their intellectual property. By digitally signing their code, they can establish ownership and protect against unauthorized modifications and distribution of their software.
Cross-Platform Compatibility:
Code signing is not limited to a specific platform or operating system. It is used across various platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android. This means that developers can ensure the integrity and authenticity of their software across different ecosystems.
How does Code Signing Work?
Code signing is a security practice that involves digitally signing software or code to confirm its authenticity and integrity. It works by using cryptographic techniques to create a digital signature that can be verified by users and systems. Code signing uses cryptographic techniques to sign software executables, creating a digital signature that verifies the authenticity and integrity of the code. Here’s a detailed explanation of how code signing works, along with an example:
Here’s a detailed step-by-step explanation of how code signing works:
Step 1: Code Development
- Software developers write and compile their code to create an executable or software application.
Step 2: Generating a Hash
- The developer generates a cryptographic hash of the code. A hash is a fixed-length string of characters that is unique to the content of the code. Common hash algorithms used include SHA-256 (Secure Hash Algorithm 256-bit).
Step 3: Obtaining a Private Key
- The developer has a private key that is kept secure and confidential. This private key is used for signing the code and must never be shared.
Step 4: Creating a Digital Signature
- Using the private key, the developer creates a digital signature of the hash. This involves encrypting the hash with the private key, creating a unique signature for this specific code.
Step 5: Attaching the Digital Signature
- The digital signature is attached to the code or software package. This signed code is often referred to as the “signed executable” or “signed code.”
Step 6: Distributing the Signed Code
- The signed code is made available to users for download or distribution through various channels, such as websites, app stores, or software packages.
Step 7: User Verification
When a user or system attempts to install or run the signed code, the verification process begins:
a. Public Key Retrieval: The user’s system retrieves the public key associated with the developer’s private key. This public key is often obtained from a digital certificate, which may be provided by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA) or through other trusted means.
b. Calculating a Hash: The user’s system calculates a hash of the received code or software.
c. Digital Signature Decryption: The digital signature attached to the code is decrypted using the developer’s public key. This decryption process confirms that the signature was indeed created by the developer’s private key.
d. Comparing Hashes: The calculated hash of the received code is compared to the hash that was originally signed by the developer. If the two hashes match, it indicates that the code has not been tampered with since it was signed.
Step 8: Certificate Validation (Optional)
- In many cases, the developer’s digital signature is part of a digital certificate issued by a trusted CA. This certificate can be validated to ensure its authenticity. If the CA’s certificate is valid, it enhances trust in the developer’s certificate.
Step 9: Execution or Installation
- If the verification process is successful and the code is deemed authentic and unaltered, the user’s system proceeds to execute or install the code with confidence that it comes from a legitimate source.
Advantages of Code Signing
Code signing offers several significant advantages for both software developers and end-users. Code signing enhances software security, builds user trust, prevents tampering, and ensures compliance with industry regulations. Here are some of the key benefits of code signing:
Authentication and Trustworthiness: Code signing provides a way to confirm the identity of the software’s author or publisher. Users can trust that the software comes from a legitimate source, reducing the risk of downloading malicious or counterfeit applications.
Integrity Verification: Code signing ensures the integrity of the software. Users can be confident that the code has not been altered or tampered with since it was signed. This protects against unauthorized modifications or malware injection.
Protection Against Malware: By verifying the digital signature, users can be assured that the software has not been compromised by malware or other malicious actors. Code signing helps maintain the security of systems and data.
User Confidence: When users see a signed application, they are more likely to install it with confidence, knowing that it has undergone a security check and is less likely to pose a threat to their devices or data.
Secure Distribution: Code signing enhances the security of software distribution. Users can download software from various sources, such as websites and app stores, with confidence that it has not been tampered with during transit.
Regulatory Compliance: Many industries and regulatory bodies require code signing as a security practice to comply with data protection and security regulations. Using code signing helps organizations meet these compliance requirements.
Protection of Intellectual Property: Developers and software companies can protect their intellectual property rights through code signing. It prevents unauthorized modifications and distribution of their software, ensuring that their products remain under their control.
Cross-Platform Compatibility: Code signing is not limited to a specific operating system or platform. It can be applied to software on Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, and other platforms, making it versatile and widely applicable.
Enhanced User Experience: Code-signed software often results in a smoother and more user-friendly experience. Operating systems and security software are more likely to treat signed applications as trusted, reducing the frequency of security warnings and prompts during installation.
Security for Software Updates: Code signing is crucial for software updates and patches. It verifies that updates come from the legitimate developer and have not been tampered with, ensuring that users are applying safe and necessary updates.
Reduced False Positives: Security software and systems are less likely to flag signed applications as potential threats, reducing false positive alerts and unnecessary user interventions.
Long-Term Assurance: Code signatures can have expiration dates, but they can also be timestamped to remain valid for an extended period. This ensures that software can be verified as authentic even years after its release.
Weaknesses of Code Signing
While code signing is a valuable security practice, it is not without its weaknesses and limitations. Code signing can be bypassed by exploiting stolen or compromised signing keys, and it doesn’t guarantee code functionality or absence of vulnerabilities. Here are some of the weaknesses and challenges associated with code signing:
Dependency on Trust in Certificate Authorities (CAs):
- Code signing relies on the trustworthiness of the Certificate Authorities (CAs) that issue digital certificates. If a CA is compromised or issues certificates improperly, it can undermine the security of code signing.
Private Key Compromise:
- If a developer’s private key used for code signing is compromised, an attacker can sign malicious code with the developer’s identity, leading to trust issues and potential security breaches.
Expiry and Revocation Challenges:
- Code signing certificates have expiration dates, and revoking a compromised certificate can be complex and may not be immediate. This means that signed code may remain valid even if a security breach occurs.
False Sense of Security:
- While code signing provides some level of assurance, it does not guarantee that the signed code is entirely safe or free from vulnerabilities. Users may develop a false sense of security and assume that signed software is always trustworthy.
Social Engineering Attacks:
- Attackers can use social engineering techniques to trick users into accepting signed malicious code, bypassing the security provided by code signing. Users may ignore warnings and prompts, assuming that signed code is safe.
Unknown or Untrusted Publishers:
- Users may be hesitant to trust lesser-known or unsigned publishers, potentially limiting the adoption of software from smaller developers or open-source projects.
- Implementing code signing can be resource-intensive, especially for smaller developers or organizations. Acquiring and managing certificates, as well as configuring build and deployment processes, can be challenging.
Compatibility Issues:
- Some older or legacy systems may not fully support code signing, leading to compatibility issues when running signed code on these platforms.
Cost and Complexity:
- Acquiring code signing certificates from reputable CAs can be costly, and the process of obtaining and renewing certificates can be complex, particularly for individuals or small development teams.
Limited Protection Against Zero-Day Vulnerabilities:
- Code signing primarily verifies the authenticity and integrity of code but does not protect against newly discovered vulnerabilities or zero-day exploits.
Target for Attack:
- Attackers may specifically target signed code to exploit vulnerabilities in the trust model, as users are more likely to trust signed software.
Limited User Understanding:
- Many users do not fully understand the significance of code signing, and some may simply accept signed code without verifying its authenticity, potentially negating the security benefits.
Who uses Code Signing?
Code signing is used by a wide range of individuals, organizations, and entities involved in software development, distribution, and security. Here are some of the key stakeholders who use code signing:
Software Developers:
- Individual software developers and development teams use code signing to authenticate their software and demonstrate its integrity. This helps users trust their applications and ensures that their software has not been tampered with before installation.
Software Companies and ISVs (Independent Software Vendors):
- Companies that develop commercial software products or applications often employ code signing to build trust among their user base. It is especially important for companies that distribute software through various channels, such as online marketplaces and direct downloads.
Open-Source Projects:
- Open-source projects use code signing to verify the authenticity and integrity of their software releases. It enhances trust in the open-source community by ensuring that the code has not been modified by malicious actors.
Operating System and Platform Developers:
- Developers of operating systems (e.g., Microsoft, Apple, Linux distributions) and major software platforms (e.g., Google Play Store, Apple App Store) use code signing to protect their ecosystems from malicious or unauthorized software.
Certificate Authorities (CAs):
- Certificate Authorities issue the digital certificates required for code signing. They play a crucial role in verifying the identity of developers and maintaining the security of the code signing process.
IT Administrators and Enterprises:
- IT administrators and enterprise-level organizations use code signing to manage and secure internal software distribution. It allows them to verify the authenticity of software before deployment within their networks.
Government and Regulatory Bodies:
- Government agencies and regulatory bodies often require code signing as a security practice, particularly in industries such as healthcare, finance, and critical infrastructure, to ensure compliance with data protection and security regulations.
End Users:
- While end users do not directly perform code signing, they benefit from it when downloading and installing software. Code signing provides them with confidence that the software they use is legitimate and safe.
Security Software Providers:
- Antivirus and anti-malware software providers use code signing to identify trusted software and reduce false positive detections. This allows their products to differentiate between legitimate and potentially malicious code.
Online Marketplaces and App Stores:
- Online platforms, such as app stores and software marketplaces (e.g., Google Play, Apple App Store, Microsoft Store), often require code signing for applications to be listed. This helps ensure the safety and integrity of the software available to users.
Cloud Service Providers:
- Cloud service providers may encourage or require code signing for applications hosted on their platforms to enhance security and protect against unauthorized access or tampering.
Types of Code Signing Certificate
There are primarily two types of code signing certificates: Standard (or Individual) Code Signing Certificates and Extended Validation (EV) Code Signing Certificates. Each type serves a specific purpose and offers varying levels of trust and assurance. Here’s an overview of each:
Standard (Individual) Code Signing Certificates:
Individual Code Signing Certificate: This type of code signing certificate is typically issued to an individual developer or a small development team. It allows the developer(s) to sign code with their name or the name of their organization.
Organization Code Signing Certificate: While similar to an individual code signing certificate, an organization code signing certificate is issued to a specific organization rather than an individual. It allows any authorized member of the organization to sign code on its behalf. This is useful for larger development teams or companies.
- Suitable for most software development needs.
- Provides basic assurance of code authenticity and integrity.
- Requires verification of the developer’s identity and organization (for organization certificates).
- Typically easier and quicker to obtain compared to EV certificates.
- Cost-effective and widely used for both individual and commercial software.
Extended Validation (EV) Code Signing Certificates:
EV Code Signing Certificate: These certificates offer the highest level of trust and assurance. They involve a more rigorous validation process by the certificate authority (CA), which includes verifying the legal entity’s identity, physical existence, and operational existence.
- Provides the highest level of trust and assurance to users.
- Requires a comprehensive validation process, including legal and operational checks.
- Displays the developer’s name prominently during code installation, enhancing user trust.
- Typically used for large software companies and organizations.
- More expensive and time-consuming to obtain due to the thorough validation process.
It’s worth noting that the choice between a standard and an EV code signing certificate depends on the specific needs of the developer or organization and the level of trust they want to establish with their users. Standard certificates are suitable for most software development scenarios and offer a reasonable level of trust. However, EV certificates are reserved for cases where the highest level of trust and assurance is required, such as for software distributed by large corporations or in environments where security is paramount.
In addition to these two main types, some CAs may offer variations or additional features for code signing certificates, such as multi-year validity, timestamping, or compatibility with specific platforms or ecosystems. Developers and organizations should carefully assess their requirements and choose the appropriate certificate type to meet their needs while maintaining user trust and security
Validation Process and Document Requirements for Code Signing Certificate
The validation process for obtaining a code signing certificate involves verifying the identity of the certificate applicant (individual or organization) and confirming their association with the code or software they intend to sign. Validation entails verifying identity documents, organization details, and ownership of code signing keys, typically requiring legal documents and notarization. The specific requirements and steps may vary slightly depending on the Certificate Authority (CA) issuing the certificate, but here’s a general overview of the validation process and the typical document requirements:
For Individual Code Signing Certificates:
Application Submission: The individual developer submits an application to a Certificate Authority (CA) to request a code signing certificate.
Identity Verification: The CA conducts identity verification to confirm the applicant’s identity. This may involve checking government-issued identification documents, such as a driver’s license or passport.
Email Verification: The CA often verifies the applicant’s email address to ensure it is under their control.
Phone Verification: Some CAs may require a phone verification step to confirm the applicant’s contact information.
Confirmation of Developer Status: The CA may ask for proof of the applicant’s status as a software developer, such as links to a personal website or evidence of published software.
For Organization Code Signing Certificates:
Application Submission: An authorized representative of the organization submits an application to a CA to request a code signing certificate on behalf of the organization.
Legal Entity Verification: The CA conducts a thorough check to verify the legal existence and status of the organization. This may involve reviewing official business registration documents, such as articles of incorporation or business licenses.
Operational Existence Verification: The CA verifies that the organization is operational and has a legitimate need for a code signing certificate. This may involve checking the organization’s website, physical address, and other business-related information.
Authorization Verification: The CA ensures that the individual applying for the certificate on behalf of the organization has the authority to do so. This may require submitting legal documentation, such as a letter of authorization or a power of attorney.
Email Verification: Similar to individual certificates, the CA verifies the email address of the organization’s authorized representative.
Document Requirements for Both Individual and Organization Certificates:
Valid Government-Issued ID: A copy of a valid government-issued identification document, such as a passport or driver’s license, is often required for identity verification.
Proof of Address: Some CAs may require proof of the applicant’s physical address, which can be a utility bill or similar document.
Employment or Business Verification: Documentation showing the applicant’s status as a software developer or the organization’s legal existence and operational status is usually necessary.
Authorization Documents: For organization certificates, any legal documents proving the authority of the person applying on behalf of the organization may be required.
It’s important to note that the exact requirements and validation process may vary among different certificate authorities. Applicants should refer to the CA’s specific guidelines and requirements when applying for a code signing certificate. Additionally, the CA may conduct further checks or request additional documentation as necessary to ensure the security and trustworthiness of the certificate issuance process.
Risks of not using Code Signing Certificate
Not using a code signing certificate poses several risks and potential security and trust issues for both developers and end-users. Without code signing, software faces higher risks of tampering, malware injection, and distrust from users, hindering adoption and security. Here are some of the key risks associated with not using a code signing certificate:
Increased Security Risks:
- Without code signing, there is no way to verify the authenticity and integrity of the software. This leaves users vulnerable to downloading and installing malicious or tampered software, including viruses, malware, and ransomware.
Lack of User Trust:
- Users are less likely to trust and install unsigned software, especially from unknown or untrusted sources. This lack of trust can limit the adoption of your software and negatively impact your reputation as a developer or organization.
Security Warnings and User Frustration:
- Modern operating systems and security software often display warning messages when users attempt to install unsigned software. These warnings can confuse and frustrate users, leading them to abandon the installation or override security measures, potentially compromising their systems.
Risk of False Positives:
- Unsigned software is more likely to trigger false positive detections by antivirus and anti-malware software. This can result in legitimate software being mistakenly flagged as a security threat, causing user inconvenience and distrust.
Tampering and Unauthorized Modifications:
- Unsigned code is susceptible to unauthorized modifications, which can occur during download or distribution. Attackers can inject malware, adware, or other malicious code into the software, leading to security breaches and data compromise.
Incompatibility and Trust Issues:
- In some environments, such as enterprise networks, unsigned software may be blocked or restricted due to security policies. This can limit the software’s usability and acceptance.
Compliance and Legal Risks:
- Some industries and regulatory bodies require the use of code signing to comply with security and data protection regulations. Failure to implement code signing may result in non-compliance and legal consequences.
Loss of Control:
- Developers lose control over the integrity of their software once it is distributed without code signing. Any modifications or tampering can occur without their knowledge or consent.
Reduced User Experience:
- Users may encounter more security prompts and warnings when installing unsigned software, leading to a less user-friendly experience. This can discourage users from engaging with your software.
Difficulty in Identifying Legitimate Sources:
- In the absence of code signing, it can be challenging for users to distinguish between legitimate software and counterfeit or unauthorized versions, further eroding trust.
Examples of Attacks Involving Misuse of Code Signing Keys and Certificates
Misuse of code signing keys and certificates can lead to a variety of attacks that undermine the security and trust of software distribution. Stuxnet and Flame malware leveraged stolen code signing certificates to sign malicious code, evading detection and spreading infections. Here are some examples of attacks involving the misuse of code signing keys and certificates:
Malware Distribution:
- Attackers can steal or compromise code signing keys and certificates to sign malicious software, making it appear legitimate. Users are more likely to trust and install this software, which may contain viruses, ransomware, or other types of malware.
Phishing Attacks:
- Phishers may use stolen code signing certificates to sign phishing websites, making them appear more convincing and trustworthy to users. This can lead to users disclosing sensitive information, such as login credentials or financial data.
Software Supply Chain Attacks:
- Attackers can compromise the software supply chain by injecting malicious code into legitimate software during the build or distribution process. Signed software with tampered code can evade detection and compromise end-user systems.
Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attacks:
- Misuse of code signing certificates can enable MitM attacks where attackers intercept and modify signed software updates or downloads. Users unwittingly install compromised software, potentially leading to data breaches or system compromise.
Unauthorized Software Updates:
- Attackers with access to code signing keys can release unauthorized software updates. Users who trust the signed updates may unwittingly install malicious or compromised versions of software.
Identity Theft and Impersonation:
- Compromised code signing certificates can be used to impersonate legitimate developers or organizations. Attackers may distribute software under a false identity, eroding user trust in the legitimate entity.
Fileless Malware and Exploits:
- Attackers can use stolen code signing certificates to sign fileless malware or exploits that run directly in memory. This can bypass traditional antivirus and security measures, making it difficult to detect and mitigate the threat.
Code Injection and Vulnerability Exploitation:
- Attackers may use code signing certificates to sign malicious scripts or code that can be injected into web applications, exploiting vulnerabilities in web servers or web applications.
Fraudulent Software Sales:
- Attackers may use stolen code signing certificates to sign counterfeit or pirated software and sell it as legitimate, defrauding users and harming the reputation of the legitimate software vendor.
Software Backdooring:
- Compromised code signing keys can be used to introduce backdoors or unauthorized features into software, allowing attackers to gain unauthorized access to users’ systems or data.
Falsifying Digital Signatures:
- Attackers may attempt to falsify digital signatures on signed documents or emails to deceive users into believing that the content is legitimate and from a trusted source.
Applications of Code-Signing Certificate
Code signing has various applications across different domains and industries, all of which revolve around enhancing security, trust, and integrity in software and data communication. Code signing certificates authenticate software, ensuring its integrity and origin, crucial for software distribution, updates, and security. Here are some common applications of code signing:
Software Distribution:
- One of the primary applications of code signing is for software distribution. It assures users that the software they are downloading or installing has not been tampered with and comes from a trusted source.
Operating System and Driver Signing:
- Operating system vendors and hardware manufacturers use code signing to sign their operating systems, drivers, and firmware. This ensures that only authorized and verified components can interact with the OS kernel, enhancing system stability and security.
Software Updates and Patches:
- Code signing is crucial for software updates and patches. Users can trust that updates are genuine and have not been modified during distribution, reducing the risk of security vulnerabilities.
Mobile App Distribution:
- Mobile app stores like the Apple App Store and Google Play Store require code signing for app submissions. This ensures the integrity and security of apps available to mobile users.
Secure Boot:
- Secure Boot mechanisms in modern computers and mobile devices rely on code signing to verify the integrity of bootloader components and ensure that only trusted firmware and software are allowed to run during startup.
IoT Device Security:
- Internet of Things (IoT) devices often use code signing to protect firmware and software updates. This prevents unauthorized or malicious updates that could compromise device security.
Email and Document Security:
- Code signing certificates can be used to sign emails and documents, providing assurance of the sender’s identity and preventing tampering with the content. This is often used for sensitive or legal documents.
Secure Communication Protocols:
- Code signing is employed in secure communication protocols like HTTPS (HTTP Secure) to ensure the authenticity of websites and web applications. Digital certificates used in HTTPS are a form of code signing.
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency:
- In the context of blockchain and cryptocurrency, code signing is used to verify the authenticity of wallet software, ensuring that users are using genuine and secure wallets.
Medical and Healthcare Devices:
- Code signing is important in the healthcare industry to secure medical devices and ensure the integrity of software used in patient care, diagnostics, and medical records management.
Industrial Control Systems (ICS):
- ICS and critical infrastructure systems use code signing to protect the software that controls various industrial processes, including energy generation, manufacturing, and water treatment.
Gaming and Entertainment:
- Video game developers use code signing to secure game executables and updates, preventing unauthorized modifications and ensuring a secure gaming experience.
Financial Services:
- Financial institutions use code signing to protect software used for online banking, trading platforms, and financial data analysis. It helps safeguard sensitive financial transactions and data.
Government and Defense:
- Government agencies and defense organizations use code signing for secure communication, software development, and critical infrastructure protection.
Digital Rights Management (DRM):
- Code signing plays a role in DRM systems to ensure the integrity of media content and control its distribution and playback.
How does Timestamping Work with a Code Signing Certificate?
Timestamping is an important aspect of code signing that helps ensure the validity and trustworthiness of a signed code or software package over time, even after the code signing certificate has expired. Timestamping records the signing time, preventing expired certificates from invalidating signatures, ensuring software integrity even after certificate expiration. Here’s how timestamping works with a code signing certificate:
Initial Code Signing:
- When a developer signs a piece of code or software with their code signing certificate, they create a digital signature using their private key. This signature is then attached to the code, providing a cryptographic proof of the code’s authenticity and integrity at the time of signing.
Certificate Expiry:
- Code signing certificates have expiration dates, typically ranging from one to several years. Once a certificate expires, it can no longer be used to sign new code.
Validity Period of the Digital Signature:
- The digital signature created during the initial code signing process is valid as long as the signing certificate is valid. After the certificate expires, the signature itself can still be verified using the public key associated with the expired certificate.
Timestamping Authority:
- To address the issue of code becoming unverifiable once the certificate expires, code signing often involves a trusted Timestamping Authority (TSA). The TSA provides timestamping services, which allow developers to obtain a timestamp for their code at the time of signing.
Requesting a Timestamp:
- Before signing their code, the developer submits it to a TSA along with a request for a timestamp. The TSA generates a timestamp that includes a cryptographic hash of the code and the current date and time.
Adding the Timestamp to the Code:
- The TSA’s timestamp is then added to the code, typically as an additional signature. This timestamp serves as proof that the code existed in its signed state at a specific point in time, even after the certificate used for the initial code signing has expired.
Long-Term Validity:
- Because the timestamp is generated by a trusted third party, it provides long-term validity to the code. Users can verify the timestamp and trust that the code has not been altered since the timestamp was issued, regardless of the certificate’s expiry.
Signature Verification:
- When a user or system attempts to run or install the signed code, the code’s digital signature is first verified. Then, the timestamp is checked to ensure that the code existed in its signed state at a specific time. If both the signature and timestamp are valid, the code is considered trustworthy.
Preventing “Expired Signature” Errors:
- By including a valid timestamp, developers prevent users from encountering “expired signature” errors when using their software, even if the signing certificate has expired.
What is the Difference Between Public Code Signing and Private Code Signing?
Public code signing and private code signing are two different approaches to code signing, each with distinct use cases and purposes. Public code signing uses certificates from public CAs for software distribution, while private code signing employs internal CAs for in-house applications. Here’s a comparison of the two:
Public Code Signing:
Purpose: Public code signing is primarily used for signing software or code that is intended for distribution to a wide audience, including end-users and customers. It is commonly employed for commercial software, open-source projects, mobile apps, and software updates.
Certificates: Public code signing certificates are issued by trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs) that are recognized by major operating systems and web browsers. These certificates are widely accepted and help establish trust with users.
Authentication: Public code signing certificates require thorough identity verification of the certificate holder. The CA ensures that the entity signing the code is who they claim to be.
Trust: Public code signing certificates are trusted by default because they come from reputable CAs. This trust is extended to the software or code signed with these certificates, making it easier for users to install and run the signed software.
User Experience: Users typically experience a smoother installation process when they encounter publicly signed software. Operating systems and security software are less likely to display warning messages, enhancing the user experience.
Cost: Public code signing certificates typically involve a cost, which varies depending on the CA and the type of certificate (individual or organization). This cost can be a consideration for developers and organizations.
Revocation: CAs can revoke public code signing certificates in case of misuse or compromise. This provides an additional layer of security and trust.
Private Code Signing:
Purpose: Private code signing is used within an organization or a closed environment for code that is not intended for public distribution. It is often used for in-house software development, internal tools, and proprietary applications.
Certificates: Private code signing certificates are issued by the organization itself or by an internal Certificate Authority. They are not recognized by external entities or widely trusted outside the organization.
Authentication: While private code signing certificates can still involve identity verification within the organization, they do not undergo the same level of scrutiny as public certificates. Verification processes are determined by the organization’s policies.
Trust: Private code signing certificates are only trusted within the organization or closed environment where they are used. External users or systems may not recognize or trust them.
User Experience: Users within the organization or closed environment may encounter security prompts and warnings when running software signed with private certificates. This can be managed through internal policies and configurations.
Cost: Private code signing certificates may involve lower costs or even no additional costs, depending on how they are managed within the organization.
Revocation: Revocation of private code signing certificates is typically handled within the organization’s internal processes and policies.
In summary, public code signing is suitable for software intended for public distribution, offering wide recognition and trust. Private code signing, on the other hand, is used for internal or closed-environment purposes, providing more control and flexibility but limited trust beyond the organization. The choice between the two depends on the specific use case and the target audience for the signed code.
What is code signing for dummies?
Code signing for dummies refers to a simplified explanation of the concept for those who may not have a technical background. In simple terms, code signing involves attaching a digital signature to software code. This signature acts as a stamp of authenticity, assuring users that the code comes from a trusted source and has not been altered by unauthorized parties. It's a way to enhance the security and trustworthiness of software.
Example of code signing
A common example of code signing is the certificates issued by trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs) like Microsoft, Apple, or others. When a software developer creates an application, they sign the code with a cryptographic signature using a private key. Users who download the application can verify the signature using the corresponding public key, ensuring that the software has not been altered and comes from the legitimate source.
How do I get code signing?
To obtain code signing, developers typically need to acquire a digital certificate from a recognized Certificate Authority (CA). The process involves generating a public-private key pair, submitting the public key to the CA, and receiving a digital certificate in return. This certificate is then used to sign the code. Different platforms and operating systems may have specific requirements for code signing, and developers should follow the guidelines provided by the respective vendors.
What is the difference between digital signature and code signing?
While both digital signatures and code signing involve the use of cryptographic techniques, they serve different purposes. A digital signature is a broader term that can be applied to various types of digital data, including documents and messages. Code signing, on the other hand, specifically refers to signing executable code to verify its authenticity and integrity. In essence, code signing is a specialized application of digital signatures tailored for software and script verification.

Gloria Bradford is a renowned expert in the field of encryption, widely recognized for her pioneering work in safeguarding digital information and communication. With a career spanning over two decades, she has played a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of cybersecurity and data protection.
Throughout her illustrious career, Gloria has occupied key roles in both private industry and government agencies. Her expertise has been instrumental in developing state-of-the-art encryption and code signing technologies that have fortified digital fortresses against the relentless tide of cyber threats.