Code signing certificates play a pivotal role in ensuring the integrity and authenticity of software applications and code distributed online. When it comes to code signing, two prominent options emerge: Extended Validation (EV) and Organization Validation (OV) certificates. In this blog, we delve into the nuances of both EV and OV code signing certificates to help you make an informed decision that aligns with your security needs and business requirements.

Understanding Code Signing Certificates

Before diving into the specifics of EV and OV certificates, it’s essential to grasp the basics of code signing certificates. Code signing certificates are digital signatures attached to software or code, verifying the identity of the publisher and the integrity of the code. This process mitigates the risk of malicious code alterations or unauthorized distribution.

  1. Organization Validation (OV) Certificates

Organization Validation (OV) certificates validate the legitimacy of the entity applying for the certificate. OV certificates provide a higher level of assurance compared to standard Domain Validation (DV) certificates. To obtain an OV certificate, the certificate authority (CA) verifies the applicant’s legal existence and operational status.

Advantages of OV Certificates:

  • Enhanced Trust: OV certificates provide a visible indication of the publisher’s authenticity to users, fostering trust and confidence in your software.
  • Flexible Use: OV certificates are suitable for a wide range of applications, from software code to drivers and updates.
  • Moderate Validation Process: The OV validation process involves confirming the legal entity’s details, ensuring a balance between security and convenience.
  1. Extended Validation (EV) Certificates

Extended Validation (EV) certificates offer the highest level of validation and assurance among code signing certificates. The EV validation process is rigorous and involves verifying the legal entity’s identity, operational existence, physical address, and legal documentation.

Advantages of EV Certificates:

  • Maximum Trust: EV certificates provide the highest level of assurance to users, prominently displaying the publisher’s name in the browser interface, enhancing credibility.
  • Top-Tier Protection: The extensive validation process minimizes the chances of malicious entities obtaining an EV certificate, bolstering security.
  • Ideal for High-Profile Software: EV certificates are particularly recommended for software that requires the utmost user trust, such as antivirus programs, operating systems, and financial applications.

Choosing Between EV Code Signing and OV Code Signing Certificates

The choice between EV and OV code sign certificates depends on your specific use case, budget, and desired level of user trust. Here are some factors to consider:

1. Level of Trust and Assurance:

EV Code Signing: If your software application deals with sensitive data, critical operations, or requires the highest level of user trust, EV code signing is the way to go. EV certificates undergo a rigorous validation process that includes confirming the legal entity’s identity, physical location, and operational status. This results in the most robust level of trust and user confidence, visible through prominent trust indicators in web browsers.

OV Code Signing: OV code signing certificates also enhance trust by validating the organization’s identity, but they may not carry the same level of visual prominence as EV certificates. OV certificates are suitable for applications that require validation and user assurance but may not be as high-profile or critical.

2. Budget Considerations:

EV Code Signing: Obtaining an EV code signing certificate typically involves a higher cost due to the comprehensive validation process and the increased level of trust associated with these certificates. Consider whether the benefits of heightened user trust and security justify the additional cost for your software application.

OV Code Signing: OV certificates are more budget-friendly compared to EV certificates. If your application doesn’t require the highest level of trust indicators and you’re looking for a cost-effective solution to enhance security, OV certificates might be the better choice.

3. Application Type and Audience:

EV Code Signing: EV certificates are best suited for high-profile applications that demand the utmost user trust. This includes software like antivirus programs, operating system updates, and financial applications. If your software deals with critical operations or contains sensitive data, the visual indicators provided by EV certificates can significantly boost user confidence.

OV Code Signing: OV certificates cater to a broader range of applications. They are suitable for utility software, productivity tools, and applications that require validation but may not involve high-stakes operations. OV certificates strike a balance between user trust and convenience.

4. Time and Validation Process:

EV Code Signing: The extensive validation process for EV certificates takes more time compared to OV certificates. If you need to release your software quickly, this could be a factor to consider.

OV Code Signing: OV certificates involve a less time-consuming validation process, making them a suitable choice if you’re looking to get your software to market promptly.


In the digital realm, establishing trust and ensuring security are paramount. Code signing certificates, whether EV or OV, play a vital role in achieving these goals. The choice between the two depends on your software’s nature, your budget, and your target audience’s expectations. While EV certificates offer the highest level of trust and security, OV certificates strike a balance between assurance and convenience. Carefully evaluating your needs and understanding the advantages of each certificate type will guide you towards a decision that aligns with your objectives and bolsters your software’s reputation in the competitive digital landscape.